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Ansmann Powerline 5 Pro (Chargers without battery)
59,29 EUR

Ansmann Powerline 5 Pro

Chargers without battery

Question about Powerline 5 Pro - 149630


5 years ago

How much mAh does the device charge up to? I have batteries with 2500 mAh, will they also be fully charged?


5 years ago

Yes, the 2500 mAh specification refers to the storage capacity of the battery. With this device, you can select the charging current yourself in reasonable steps; this only influences the charging time and (scholars argue about this) also the service life. In addition, there is also a "test" function with which you can determine the charge.
I bought this device especially for charging large 7000 mAh

D batteries and am fully satisfied with it, except that the display is too small and some information can only be read with a magnifying glass.